Dear editor,
The marriage amendment in Kansas passed with the support of 70 percent of law abiding Kansans. It very simply defined marriage as “between one man and one woman.” It is an eternal concept that Jesus Christ taught (Matthew 19:4-6) and a vast majority of law abiding citizens instituted as law.
Now law abiding Kansans face the possibility that one lawless and godless judge or even a panel of them know more than they do and can do as they please. Judges are suppose to enforce the law passed by law abiding citizens not walk on it.
If this possibility isn’t disenfranchisement of law abiding citizens then nothing is and the only thing we have left is anarchy. The Supreme Court got slavery wrong in its infamous Dred Scott decision and within six years came the Civil War. The seeds of that cursed war began to bear its bloody fruit in eastern Kansas. Maybe this is Kansas’ time to stand up to the perverse, godless, and lawless philosophy of a judiciary gone absolutely mad and show the way to the rest of the nation.
May the Supreme Judge of the world uphold and defend the rectitude of the righteous intentions of the law abiding in our state.
Bill LaPorte,
Moran, Kan.