Dear editor,
This letter is to inform the reader that I support Allen County Sheriff Byran Murphy and his department and how it has evolved over his current administration.
Sheriff Murphy has always communicated and shown support to me and my department. For example he as well as his deputies respond to calls in the community and in my absence I will be notified and kept in the loop with situations, which in turn makes all of our jobs better and makes us more effective.
He also helps to keep me informed on training and grant opportunities that could help my department. Sheriff Murphy has always treated me as an equal and I know if I have a question or concern I can call him and he is there to help or answer questions.
I have had the pleasure of working for the City of Moran for over 13 years and during this time I have watched Bryan Murphy transition from undersheriff to his current position as sheriff and I have only seen improvements as he strives to make his department better at serving all of the members of Allen County.
Sheriff Murphy I believe has gone above and beyond his current duties as the sheriff. It shows he takes pride in what he has done and enjoys the community in which he serves.
R. Shane Smith,
Moran Police Chief
The Iola Register editorials are hopeless. Weekender editorial is a prime example. Hopelessly holding to a candidate that has shown reckless disregard for the nation’s security, utter contempt for the rights and honor of law abiding American citizens, greater respect for sponsors of terrorism and their use of nuclear material, and accepting of support from foreign powers that brazenly deny rights of Christians, women, and human life.
This listing just scratches the surface.
Yes, the Iola Register is so hopeless they would support a candidate that is cold blooded enough to endorse the wholesale and brutal destruction and desecration of the little bodies of helpless unborn life that has a heartbeat.
May those who are called by God’s name humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways and seek God’s face and He hears from heaven and cleanses our land of this shame born in the darkness of Hell itself.
Bill LaPorte,
Moran, Kan.