Dear editor,
The Wichita Eagle had an article on how Kansas has jobs, but where are all the workers?
The company that does my heat and air work said they had an ad in the Register for over a month but could find no qualified applicants.
It looks like Brownback’s tax incentives to get companies to hire more workers didn’t work. Now President Trump is going down that same road.
Since 2009, Kansas has dropped 45,000 from its workforce while the nation’s overall workforce has increased.
Some of that is because our college graduates leave for better-paying jobs out of state.
It looks to me what they started in LaHarpe with the Regional Rural Technical Center could be a model for the state. Instead of giving tax abatements for buildings and land, give workers a tax break to relocate to take a new job. Or give incentives to send a worker to a trade school so they could come back and work at their place of business.
With 40 percent of our eligible workforce retiring in five years, something needs to be done fast.
Junior colleges need to meet with local industries to find out where the jobs are.
David Comstock,
Colony, Kan.