Letters to the Editor – 10/26/17


October 26, 2017 - 12:00 AM

To LaHarpe mayor and city council members:
Today I question each and every one of you elected by the people of LaHarpe to uphold and protect its citizens according to the city ordinances set forth by you and previous city administrators. You have chosen to look the other way on many issues. Please ponder these infractions and evaluate if you are really doing your jobs:
1. Occupying and living in a travel trailer right on the mayor’s property.
2. Swimming pools allowed to exist without the fenced in requirements stated in the city ordinance and being a safety hazard to young children of the community.
3. The hiring of people sworn to protect the city when in fact they are under criminal investigation for a major crime. Why wasn’t a position for a law enforcement officer checked better? (References/fingerprints background check.) It is apparent that LaHarpe needs a law enforcement presence with drug usage and dealings going on in the city. This can be seen by people who aren’t even educated in law enforcement.
4. There has been much discussion amongst some about the fire department and the way it is being run. Why aren’t the fire trucks housed in the building that was built for them to help protect them from the elements and make them available to the first volunteers to be able to arrive in the event of a fire and fire equipment housed in the same building? Why are under-aged people allowed to be at the fire barn without adult supervision? What’s with the selling of used flashlights that came from the fire station? There has been some discussion about theft from the fire barn and misuse of fire department monies. Are volunteers being trained in order to reduce liability to the city? Why isn’t there a check to see that these monies collected are used in a professional manner to help grow and fund the only fire department we have? There needs to be something in place to keep people and members honest.
5. Code for propane gas tanks needs to be looked at to see if it is being complied with. Is this allowable or not as I was told it is against the ordinance.
I have named some of the infractions I know and now would like to know what you all plan to do to help correct these situations. You are swore to uphold the law and the city ordinances. If you can’t perform these duties in helping mold your community, then you need to resign.
I realize your positions are not a real monetary position, but nonetheless needs to be treated as an important task to grow and create a good place to live. That needs to be the focus. There are many long-term residents of this city and you as leaders need to do what’s right by them and all who choose this city to live in.
Best regards,
Allen Jones,
LaHarpe, Kan.
