Dear editor,
While everybody is concerned about the school and bond issue we should be more concerned about Rep. Lynn Jenkins. She has constantly voted for Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget, a budget that will destroy Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. This puts the elderly people of this country starving to death and can not get any medical help.
She has constantly voted to repeal Obamacare. Obamacare may not be perfect but from what little I hear, it has proved to do some good for the poor. Rep. Lynn Jenkins has proved to be the enemy of the old, poor and needy people.
She doesn’t give a hoot or care about anything except to serve her rich bosses.
The only way to reform and save this nation is for us, the voters, to wake up and realize that the enemy of this nation is the Republican Party and vote them out of office and vote into office the Democrats. The Republicans are bought and paid for by the evil oppressing 1 percent (the billionaires) and we the poor have a duty to fight back or be forced into the street to die from starvation.
The rich do not care for us. They want us, the poor, to die off, period! The rich are supporting people like Pat Roberts, Sam Brownback and Lynn Jenkins in all of the TV ads.
Beverly Curry,
Kincaid, Kan.
Dear editor,
In response to the two letters to the editor on Oct. 15. Thank you Judy Snavely and Tracy Call-Keagle.
You said it all in your letters. Please think of all the folks who are 70 and above and live on Social Security. Yes, we might need new schools. Yes, our kids are important. Aren’t senior citizens important also? Please fix our schools so no taxes will cut into our income.
David E. Hill,
Iola, Kan.
Dear editor,
We’re terrified.
Although the Allen County Animal Rescue Facility (ACARF) has been highly successful in its four years of operation, we are in a grave financial situation. A major source of funding is no longer available to us and we are in imminent danger of closing.
Maybe you don’t know what an amazing place ACARf is. Did you know that we are one of only 21 no-kill shelters in the state of Kansas? To qualify as no-kill, a shelter’s euthanasia rate must be 10 percent or less: at 7.4 percent we are well below that. Our success rate is astonishing. We have dramatically reduced the stray animal problem, given compassionate care to hundreds of lost or abandoned cats and dogs, and provided a safe and healthy place to find a terrific new pet. We have rescued and rehabilitated animals who have been tortured, starved, or forgotten and have seen them become miracles of survival.
ACARF is something that people of the area can feel proud of.
If we close, it would be a sad and shameful step backwards for our community. People will hesitate to call animal control or their city’s police department, because they will know it means an almost-certain death for that dog or cat. If you beloved pet goes missing, you will not have long to reclaim it before it is gone. The stray problem will increase dramatically (the average unaltered female cat can give birth to as many as 24 kittens a year, which can become thousands of cats very quickly; an unaltered female dog and her offspring can potentially produce 67,000 pups in six years time.” Dumping animals in the country will undoubtedly resume and those animals will suffer in horrible ways. Beautiful cats and dogs who would make loving, devoted pets will die every day. It’s unthinkable.
ACARF means a better place to live for everyone. ACARF is kindness and caring for the animals in our area; we’re the only institution devoted to their safety and welfare. The existence of ACARf shows that we are a forward-thinking community of compassionate people.
To continue that existence, ACARf needs a constant and committed source of funding that we can depend on. We are asking you to donate through a monthly, automatic-withdrawal program. NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL! You can donate through a monthly automatic Paypal payment that you access on our website:!donating-money/c1xqo or by filling out a form for an automatic withdrawal from your bank. You can find the automatic bank withdrawal form on our website donation page or you can pick one up at ACARF. We will have the forms available at Farm-City Days. You can also contact us directly, [email protected] or 620-496-3647.
Imagine this. It is a year from now and you did not donate any money. ACARF has closed, due to lack of funding. You come upon a wandering puppy in the street. It’s a sweet little thing, but you can’t keep it. Out of kindness, you call animal control for assistance. They come and take the puppy away and you find out later that the puppy was put to sleep after being held for only three days. What if instead you had contributed to ACARF and kept us open? With only a few dollars a month, things could have been very different. That same puppy would come through our doors to a place of food, comfort, medical care and love. We would work our hardest to find puppy a home or return it to its owner or find it a spot with a rescue group. In the meantime, this little life would be nurtured. It would have a chance. Without your help, ACARF will close on Dec. 31. The animals will be without a voice and without any hope. Be a hero and save them. Do something great today. Save ACARF.
Respectfully and hopefully,
The board of directors, Allen County Animal
Rescue Facility,
Janice Porter,
facility director