Seven months ago voters told Kansas legislators they were tired of being Gov. Sam Brownback’s income tax guinea pig by booting out several of his stalwart supporters in the Nov. 2 election.
The swamp, however, still remains mired with those who have pledged their fealty to Brownback and those who pull his strings, the Kansas Chamber of Commerce and ALEC — ultra-conservatives associated with the American Legislative Exchange Council, which crafts legislation for those who lack a moral compass.
Despite knowing the state faces a mountain of debt, these legislators still are unable to muster the courage to raise the necessary funds to keep doors open.
Last week, a bill to raise an additional $500 million annually was defeated 22-18 in the Senate.
Though the Register acknowledges the bill’s salient points — restoring a third income tax bracket with increased rates and repeal of the LLC loophole — its weaknesses, failing to fully fund the budget or to distinguish how it would fund education, warranted its defeat.
Unfortunately, about half of those who voted against the measure, including Sen. Caryn Tyson, R-Parker, did so because they thought the measure too generous.
“How can you expect the economy to grow?” lamented Sen. Rob Olson, R-Olathe, at the thought of rolling back the income tax cuts — as if the state just needs more time for Brownback’s “race to zero” tax plan to work.
The fact is, our sad state of affairs is all self-inflicted. Had Kansas not cut taxes in 2012, this discussion would not be necessary.
AS THINGS STAND, Kansas revenue is projected to be $900 million short of budgeted expenses for the next two years.
Still not included in the expense side of the ledger is additional school funding. A modest proposal being bandied about is $279 million over the next two years.
Former state Sen. Jeff King, now in the employ of the state education department, warns that may be too little, too late to satisfy the Kansas Supreme Court’s criteria, suggesting $850 million with larger initial allotments would be more reasonable.
The other shoe to drop is the $200 million payback to KPERS that the state reneged on to meet this year’s budget with the expectation the state would — wait for it — raise taxes later. Never mind that Brownback’s proposed budget for 2018 conveniently omits the payback. KPERS, the state’s retirement fund for teachers and state employees, has about 65 percent of what is needed to meet its obligations. The ideal level is 80 percent. If Brownback has his way, the state’s responsibility would drop to 50 percent — undoing any progress of the last several years.
ALL THIS goes to show that whatever legislators arrive at in terms of crafting a new budget, it needs to be veto-proof of a governor that doesn’t know the meaning of responsibility.
Monday marked Day 91, the first day of an already extended 100-day session.
If the goal is to serve Kansas in its entirety, the decisions are few and simple: Restore income taxes and eliminate tax loopholes so state functions and services are adequately met.
If only it were that easy.
— Susan Lynn