Kobach chastened? That’ll never happen



October 2, 2014 - 12:00 AM

Surely Kansas Republicans sighed with relief when a district court ruled Wednesday afternoon that Democrats need not file a last-minute candidate for the U.S. Senate race.
It was never going to happen.
The same day our Secretary of State Kris Kobach refused to let Chad Taylor step down, he allowed Miranda Rickey, a Democrat from Garnett, to withdraw from a state House race.
There was no interrogation of Ms. Rickey. No magical 14 words were required alluding to an inability to serve.
The ruling should mean that Kobach pipes down so his embattled fellow Republican Pat Roberts can redirect the spotlight to his campaign.
That’ll never happen.
Kobach, after all, has turned what had been a somber position into a circus. Anybody remember Ron Thornburgh? Sure you do, but it took a second. Thornburgh served four terms as our secretary of state, bowing out in 2010 in a misguided run for governor.
Likeable and smart, Thornburgh took to the role of secretary with a fervor, seeing that businesses were adequately served and elections adequately monitored.
And Kobach?
Well, let’s just say Kansas seems too small a stage.
Kobach is the self-appointed king of racial prejudice in his efforts to suppress voting and immigration rights here in Kansas and a handful of other states.
His position as legal counsel to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a hate group with neo-Nazi ties, is of especial concern.

WHICH IS why a victory for justice won’t feel complete until Kobach is voted out of office.
We can make that happen.
— Susan Lynn
