Donald Trump became a household name when his reality TV show “The Apprentice” debuted in 2004.
The program depicted Trump taking perverse delight in telling people they were fired. Unfortunately it wasn’t an act. What anyone else would view as a gut-wrenching experience, Trump took on with equanimity.
Recent disclosures from those who worked on the TV show reveal that Trump routinely doled out personal evaluations of female participants and whether he would like to take them to bed.
He requested female participants wear short skirts and revealing tops for the show.
He asked women point blank their breast size and had no qualms in telling them they were “hot.”
Trump measured women against his daughter, Ivanka, whom he held as his yardstick for beauty. That a father looks at his daughter in that manner is creepy.
That he also was married exacerbates the matter by only a tad.
So yeah, this is disturbing stuff.
In one instance, Trump told a young woman’s fiancé that of all the contestants she was the one he would pick for himself.
The young woman’s reaction is telling: “It makes me a little sick,” said Kristi Frank. “It’s kind of sweet, but it makes me feel like ‘OK, he’s checking me out again,’” as opposed to judging her contributions to the competition.
That the young woman was willing to give Trump a pass on his behavior because he is in a position of power shows that as a society sexism is rampant.
Honey, the guy is a lech.
PSYCHIATRISTS would say such deviant behavior stems from a great sense of insecurity and much like bullying, acting in such a sexist manner makes them feel dominant. The weaker the ego, the more he or she will try to subdue others.
And because our culture continues to maintain that men are more inherently leaders, we let people like Donald Trump get away with such deviant behavior because we believe their power entitles them to treat others poorly.
This is an affront to men as much as it is to women.
If voters elect Donald Trump for president, society will only have reinforced that sick message. In spades.