Hate crimes at Bethany College an attack on USA


October 11, 2016 - 12:00 AM

The contrast is startling.
Hate crimes on the bucolic campus of Bethany College, the gem of Lindsborg.
Scrawled on a campus sidewalk were a dozen racist messages, including “Make Lindsborg white again,” and another of the outline of a body made to look like a crime scene with the message, “Rest in peace my friend.”
The target is Williams Jones, president of the small liberal arts college. Jones said the perpetrators in fact called him and issued further threats to not only him but also the college.
Jones also fears for his family of six, which includes two adopted children who are biracial, and are the focus of the hate organized by a group called Identity Europa.
“Make Lindsborg white again,” refers to two innocent children, rescued by two caring and loving parents.
And this is how a Holocaust can happen, again.
Identity Europa’s objective is to cleanse the United States of any minorities.
It’s a racist ideology based on fear and hate.
Identity Europa is using the ethnic cleansing template of Adolf Hitler whose goal of a “pure” state led to the extermination of more than 6 million Jews and other minorities.
In his “make America great again” campaign, Republican nominee Donald Trump inculcates much of the same thinking by evidence of his treatment of Muslims, Latinos, and even women. To Trump they are inferior, and can be treated as such.
That’s why he feels free to insult a federal judge, saying his Mexican heritage makes him unqualified.
That’s why he belittled a Muslim woman at Sunday night’s debate when she asked the candidates how they would confront Islamophobia. Instead of owning up to the hate instilled by white nationalists, Trump put the blame on the Muslims here in the United States, accusing them of covering for Islamist radicals.
“Many people saw bombs” all over the apartment of the couple that committed the attack in San Bernadino, Calif., last December, Trump said. According to state and federal law enforcement officials, that is not true.

WHITE supremacists should be called out for the danger they pose to society. Their ideology tears at the fabric that makes the United States the envy of the world.

— Susan Lynn
