Perhaps the most understated study of history in Kansas — and Iola — is the amazing career of Gen. Frederick Funston.
His 150th birthday was celebrated a few months early on Saturday.
Funston came from Ohio with his family as a child, grew up north of Iola and went on to acclaim as an adventurer and military man. It is not hyperbole to characterize his accomplishments as legendary.
No doubt he is mentioned in American history classes, how could he not be. However, it would be commendable — and appropriate — on the part of Iola schools, including Allen Community College, to award Gen. Funston a special place in the classroom.
His exploits and influence on American history from the 1890s to his death at age 51 in 1917 would make an action-packed and interesting study of several weeks, even if touching sparingly at times on all he accomplished. Iola’s Clyde Toland, attorney by vocation and as much an expert on local history as anyone, could provide numerous lectures on Funston’s life, and do so in a manner that would be spellbinding.
Knowing where we came from is just as important as having an idea of where we’re headed, and when that can be tied to a local figure as prominent as Funston, all the better.
— Bob Johnson