(Forum) Support McKinney


October 28, 2010 - 12:00 AM

I am proud to support Dennis McKinney for state treasurer.

During my service as your state Representative I have had the opportunity to work closely with Dennis first during his time as a legislator representing south central Kansas and then as state treasurer. Dennis is the kind of leader we can all be proud to call our state treasurer.

Dennis McKinney was born on a farm near Greensburg, raised by depression-era parents who taught him traditional Kansas values of faith, respect for others, hard work and watching every penny closely. Dennis knows what it means to raise a family in a small town, work the land and rebuild after tough times.

When Dennis’ hometown of Greensburg was nearly destroyed by a tornado in May 2007, Dennis was one of the first to commit to rebuilding his family home. Dennis knew that if he was going to ask homeowners and business leaders to rebuild in Greensburg, he had to lead by example.

Dennis has a proven track record as a fiscally responsible leader whose first official action as state treasurer was to cut his own salary. He has also successfully reduced his staff and found innovations to save taxpayer dollars and return unclaimed property to Kansans. After implanting several rounds of budget cuts, he continued to look for ways to return $65,000 to the state from his own bud-get.

Most of all, Dennis is an honest person who is always willing to work with leaders of both parties to address the challenges our state faces. Too often in Topeka, good policy gets thrown out over partisan fighting, but as a leader Dennis has been successful at putting politics aside in favor of doing what is right for the people of Kansas

I am proud to support Dennis and hope you will join me on Nov. 2 in voting for Dennis McKinney for state treasurer.

Jerry Williams

State Representative, 

Chanute, Kan.

December 10, 2010
October 29, 2010
September 29, 2010
March 2, 2010