(Forum) GOP has changed


October 28, 2010 - 12:00 AM

The tea partiers like to refer to anyone to the left of Attila the Hun as a RINO. That’s the way I view the entire Republican Party of today. Any resemblance to the Republican Party of 50 years ago is in name only.

I have been following politics and reading history for 62 years. This election is the worst in my lifetime. For the first time I am afraid for the future of my country. It would be helpful for those seeking office and for those voting to read the Constitution. Something I’m afraid that the majority of the Supreme Court does not do. The national Chamber of Commerce, the Koch brothers, and others are trying to buy this election. The Republican Party depends on ignorance as it spreads its lying propaganda, spreading hate and fear. Its propaganda agent (Faux News) does much of the party’s work, as Glen Beck distorts history.

Brownback has ties to secret religious organizations such as The Family, Opus Dei, and dominionists.

If the extreme right ever gets complete control, you can say goodbye to freedom, to Social Security, to Medi-care, Medicaid, and to many other public services often taken for granted, including public schools. You can also expect that when you go to buy “things”  (“that you don’t need” — Rep. Otto), that at least a 30  percent sales tax will be added. These are not my imagination. It’s from their own rhetoric and ads.

Besides reading the Constitution for one’s self (not depending on what they tell you) it might be good to read “Mein Kampf” and compare to its rhetoric. Vote for the Constitution. Vote for democracy. Vote Democratic.

Phillip Crown

Iola, Kan.
