As it turned out the caller wasn’t interested in an Iolan’s opinion unless it was what she wanted to hear.
“Hi, I’m with the National Rifle Association. Can I ask you a few questions,” a woman with a pleasant voice said, calling me by name.
“Sure,” I said, even though I was rousted from an episode of the History Channel’s American Restoration.
“Do you trust Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration?” she asked.
“I sure do,” I replied.
A pause … “You do?” the caller asked.
“I do,” came the affirmation.
“Thanks for your time and good night,” the caller said, and abruptly hung up.
Nothing has occurred since President Obama took office to abridge gun rights. Focus has been on the economy from day one, and it will be for some time yet to come.
Guns are readily available, particularly in Kansas where hunting and gun ownership are second nature with a largely rural populace.
Even so, some activists are convinced that only a Republican in the White House will assure they will be safe from any government intrusion on what they perceive as a birthright to own and use any and all firearms. That includes assault weapons and certain handguns that have no practical purpose other than to kill people.
Most firearms owned by Iolans are sporting in nature, and pose no danger, provided they’re used properly and stored safely.
But, there is the fringe, some who really do think Big Brother is watching.
Maybe the better answer to the woman’s question would have been: “Sure, I trust Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration, because I trust Americans to make the right decisions each time they go to the polls.”
Democracy hasn’t failed the Republic in 235 years. There’s no reason to think it will now.