One of the reasons Allen County was awarded the prestigious Culture of Health Prize today is that the people of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recognized our efforts to tackle problems together.
Now, that’s not as easy as it sounds.
Consider the dynamics.
We are a collection of small and smaller towns each vying for a foothold in tomorrow. And if we’re honest, there’s no small amount of jealousy when one town’s success seems to garner the majority of headlines.
Truth is, we’d each give our firstborn for a B&W Trailer Hitches to set up shop in town. Meanwhile Iola’s after-school program SAFE BASE is a gem. The singular efforts by Joe and Jane Works to revamp Humboldt’s downtown square is beyond the realm of generosity. And the new walking and biking trails are a dream come true for outdoor enthusiasts.
A pointy-head would see winners and losers.
But what’s important to remember is that collectively, these successes are what makes our neck of the woods — be it Humboldt, Iola, LaHarpe or Moran — a better place to live.
WOULD THAT Congress look our way.
Today, Senate Republicans are making a last-ditch effort to overturn the Affordable Care Act.
And yes, it’s the same old, same old.
Gut Medicaid. Cut protections for those with pre-existing conditions such as cancer or heart disease. Raise rates. Slash subsidies. Bump an estimated 32 million Americans off the rolls over the next 10 years. Eliminate services for women, including mammograms, annual well-women exams and birth control. And reduce coverage for low-income senior citizens, children and the disabled.
Sponsors of the bill are hoping to squeak it through by Sept. 30 while a majority-only requirement is still in effect. After that, it will need at least 60 votes to pass.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has blasted the plan because of its partisan nature.
“Why did Obamacare fail?” McCain asked rhetorically on a Sunday TV news program.
[Because] “Obamacare was rammed through with Democrats’ votes only. That’s not the way to do it.”
The best decisions are made when reached from both sides of the aisle. That can mean everyone’s happy, but usually means most are generally happy with a decision that benefits the whole.
Ruling by consensus is what helps take Allen County in a positive — and forward — direction.
— Susan Lynn