We elect presidents, not kings; it’s time someone told Trump



September 27, 2019 - 5:09 PM

Ukraine's new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, with US President Donald Trump

I’m not a fan of Joe Biden for president.

I think he’s too old and too uninspiring to lead the world’s greatest country.

That said, I think he should get a fair shake at it.

But now, with the revelation that President Donald Trump cajoled Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky to dig up dirt on his political rival, Biden, that’s probably not going to happen.

With the most powerful platform in the world, Mr. Trump can pretty much make or break anyone he wants to.


Unless we keep in perspective the gravity of Mr. Trump using the power and resources of the presidency for his own political gain.

If this proves true, everything about it is in violation of the U.S. Constitution. And no sitting U.S. president has ever been accused of something so flagrant.


SO HOW will Mr. Trump proceed?

By calling the whistle-blower a traitor.

By calling the media Fake News.

By calling the investigation a witch hunt.

It’s a well-known act, one that many Republicans fear to critique despite the fact that he routinely abuses the office of president by inviting foreign leaders to stay at his hotels; refuses to release his tax returns; directs his personal attorney to pay hush money to cover up his extramarital affairs and lies about his company’s current business dealings with foreign countries.  

Such unrestricted behavior has only emboldened Mr. Trump to do more of the same, such as in the case of Ukraine, to which he replies, “What’s the big deal?”

Indeed, the president believes he has “the right to do whatever I want,” as he told a group of teenagers this summer assembled for a leadership summit.


WE ELECT presidents in the United States of America, not kings, and a thorough investigation of the issue should not be a partisan issue.

I don’t relish the upcoming inquiry because it will further divide us as a country and take our focus away from addressing health care, gun reform, infrastructure and election reform.

And yet, I resent anyone — especially an elected leader — holding themselves above the law.

To investigate the matter further, is to defend democracy.







December 19, 2019
November 25, 2019
November 14, 2019
October 8, 2019