The etiquette of social distancing

The point of keeping a safe distance away isn't just to keep you from catching the virus. It's so you don't then spread it to others, who may pass it on and so on.



March 18, 2020 - 10:07 AM

A closed basketball court is blocked by caution tape in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Steven Pergam is like a Miss Manners for the age of coronavirus. His job title, after all, is “Infection Preventionist.”

His Twitter avatar is a drawing of him with virus microbes floating in the air around his head.

He’s been practicing the disease-avoidance strategy called “social distancing” for years, long before the arrival of the coronavirus thrust this new etiquette on the rest of us.

“When I see a railing, I do think, ‘how many people have touched that?’ “says Pergam, an infectious disease specialist at Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. “I walk around thinking about stuff like that.

“But it isn’t out of fear,” he said. “Think of it instead as taking control.”

I called Pergam to find out the do’s and don’ts of social distancing — this hunkering down and avoiding crowds to try to blunt the widespread transmission of the virus. The idea of hiding from an invading pandemic makes perfect sense. But the policy is also filled with loopholes and contradictions (such as, why close the farmers markets, but not the grocery stores or the bars?).

What I learned is that I’m doing social distancing wrong. It turns out it’s harder than it looks.

“Going out to a bar with friends? I would say no to that,” Pergam said, after I told him I’d been to a brewery for beers one night last week (packed in with plenty of other Seattleites, I noticed).

I also went to a book club meeting at a friend’s house, with about 10 others. Definitely no, Pergam says.

“The test should be: Do you really need to be in a room together?” he said. “Ask yourself that every time. You could have done that book club meeting by video chat, no big deal.”

THE POINT of social distancing isn’t just to keep you from catching the virus. It’s so you don’t then spread it to others, who may pass it on and so on. It’s about making ourselves into a mass community shield for the elderly and others who may have less ability to fight off the virus.

“Think of yourself as one transmission away from being in the same room with someone who is high risk,” he said.

So can I go out to a movie? No, he said. What about to a restaurant?

“If you do go out to eat, try to go when it’s not super busy. Go at off hours so you’re not crammed in close. Stay 6 feet apart. Or get your food to go, or have it delivered.”

Same with the grocery store, he said. Plan your trip so you can go once a week instead of bopping in every day. Nobody can isolate entirely, so the goal should be limiting interactions.
