Letter to the editor — June 24, 2011

God bless her, Susan Lynn has been a great example of fairness in her reporting of the hospital trustee proceedings. Her family genes dictate this wonderful writing ability.
But when I read the article chronicling Tuesday’s meeting, I was left with the impression that most of the people at that meeting were against the East Street location for our new hospital. I was at that meeting; I don’t think that was the case at all. In fact, of the 40 people at the meeting only three spoke against it, one admitting that he had voted against building a new hospital in the first place.
I like to talk to people. And since the hospital is the hot topic around town, I take every opportunity to do my own polling (at no taxpayer expense) about what they think. I am happy to report that the majority of people I’ve talked with agree that the East Street location is the overwhelming favorite. Among the reasons I hear: “It’s what we voted on.” “It will clean up the eyesore on the east side of lola.” “It’s the logical choice since The Family Physicians building is already there.” “It will help draw new business to the area.” “It will be good for the community.”
At the Tuesday meeting I looked around the room and saw people like Mary Ann Arnott and Mary Kay Heard, who worked so hard getting the hospital vote passed. And David Toland, an awesome young man who is leading the charge to make Allen County a better place to live. What a great bunch of people!
Then I watched the volunteers of the Hospital Trustees — selfless people in a thankless job — as they listened patiently to a few questioning their intelligence. I didn’t do well in Mr. Harry Lee’s eight grade math class but Jay Kretzmeier was a stellar student and I’m personally glad he’s on the committee to watch over our taxpayer dollars. Believe me, there is no lack of intelligence or patience in every hotseat on this committee
The trustees are taking their time to make the right decision and I appreciate that. However, my favorite comment at Tuesday’s meeting came from builder Jim Luttrell when he said, “Build it already!” I think I speak for the majority when I say let’s “git-r-done” at the East Street location.


Steve Strickler,
Iola, Kan.

