Letter to the editor — April 16, 2011

Greed is a terrible thing. No good ever comes from it. And greed is the only thing holding up progress on the new hospital.
I don’t know the property owners, but they have been offered way more than the property east of town is worth.
Apparently they believe they have a gold mine or an oil well to protect. They have contamination and should be forced to clean up their own mess.
They should pay someone to take it off their hands. The city should condemn the eyesore and get on with the new county hospital in that location.
We have a lot of very good people who work very diligently for the good of our community. We also have some lazy bums who won’t even clean up their own yards and front porches and choose to throw their fast-food containers from their vehicles into other people’s yards.
Whatever happened to pride?
Our forefathers gave so much to make Iola a great place to raise their families. Many of their grandchildren are still here or “home again” to do their part.
If I owned 20 acres, I would donate the land gladly for the new hospital — and not have to pay taxes on it.
Steve Strickler is absolutely correct about the location for our new hospital.
Here’s another thought — if it is built out north of town it will be only a matter of time until a convenience store and a motel are built across the highway and that will hurt the businesses we already have.
Of course we are anxious to get started and with more cooperation from the landowners, there would have already been considerable work started.
People pay for greed in unimagined ways, so you can only hope when you need emergency care and a good doctor, you will get there in time and you won’t have to drive out into the country to get it.
There are givers and takers. There always has been. There always will be. Which of the two are you?


Norma Stahl,
Iola, Kan.
