Letter to the editor – October 30, 2024

Dear Editor,

I would like to make one last effort to sound the alarm on a second Trump administration.  For those voters who have yet to cast their ballots, please consider the following responses to reasons MAGA followers give for voting for Trump.

1.  I vote for Trump’s policies, not for him.  Really?

Trump never gives many details on his policies. The policies he does talk about are certainly not in the best interests of citizens of Kansas.  Those include lowering taxes on the rich; placing tariffs on foreign goods raising prices on everyday items; prosecuting political enemies; shutting down networks and newspapers that dare to disagree with him; setting up camps for illegal immigrants; and repealing our current health insurance options.

2.  Trump understands my problems.  Really?

Do you think he understands living paycheck to paycheck?  Do you think he has ever set foot in a grocery store, pumped his own gas, used public transportation?  Do you think he had ever had to choose between paying an electric bill or buying prescriptions?  

Do you think he has ever had to tell his children or grandchildren that he didn’t have the money for that special birthday or Christmas gift? Do you think he has ever had to figure out child care during school breaks?  

Do you think his children or grandchildren have ever attended public school?  Don’t be fooled — Donald Trump has no clue what challenges poor people or the middle class face every day.

3.  I like the way Trump says what he feels — what you see is what you get.  

Trump exhibits characteristics that would horrify your parents, teachers, ministers, and Jesus. Name-calling; bullying, mocking, and ridiculing others; lying; griping, complaining, and whining; holding grudges; cheating; using profanity; seeking vengeance on others; never admitting to being wrong; and never apologizing for anything.  

Is this the man you see as a role model for your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews?

4.  God wants him to be President. Really?  

A man who has broken most of the Ten Commandments. He often takes the name of the Lord in vain; he doesn’t keep the Sabbath day holy (he plays golf instead of going to church); he has committed adultery on multiple occasions; he has stolen from every contractor he has stiffed or sued and was convicted of 34 counts of fraud; he has lied so many times no one can keep track; and money, not God, is the most important thing in his life — if not, why does he act like a high-priced department store hawking watches, digital playing cards,  Bibles, and commemorative coins.  There is no way Trump is religious, let alone chosen by God.

Please think carefully when casting your ballot.

Kay Brower,

Iola, Kan.
