Letter to the editor — October 20, 2022

Dear editor,

On Dec. 21, 2021, the Allen County commissioners granted me time to respond to Randy Riebel’s concern about electronic voting machines. According to the Register, I rebutted his concerns. This was not accurate. 

I said, “in all fairness to Mr. Riebel, we should make sure all electronic ballots are valid.”

I stated we should all be concerned about the possibility of state officials changing the vote of the people to better serve their political gains.

No matter what your political party, we should all be concerned about this. In other words, I’m more concerned about the possibility of state elected officials changing the vote of the people than I am about electronic voting machines.

I do not use electronic voting machines not because I don’t trust them, but because I don’t trust myself to use them. I’m more comfortable using a pencil and marking my ballot. 

We should all put our democracy and constitution over any political party or group.

One man forgot who the “boss” is in this country: We the people. He didn’t respect the high office we put him in and he lost.

Let’s all get out and vote in the midterm election no matter what your party or if you’re an independent.

It is important! 

As always,

Robert I. Franklin,

Iola, Kan.
