Letter to the editor — October 27, 2022

Dear editor,

Rural Kansas needs the kind of representation Alana Cloutier can give us. She and her husband Paul moved to Humboldt several years ago to help with A Bolder Humboldt, a rural economic revitalization project.

She understands that there are unique challenges to economic and community development in rural Kansas; she has studied the issues, and is eager to do the work. 

She is a listener and a learner. Alana will represent and listen to her constituents in Allen, Anderson, Linn, and Miami counties.

Alana understands the concerns of small mom-and-pop businesses that can’t afford high-priced lobbyists. She understands that family farms are left behind as corporate agri-business dominates our legislature. 

She believes in a fair tax structure that isn’t designed to favor the wealthy. 

She will concentrate on real problems faced by rural Kansas including affordable childcare, housing, and healthcare, including mental health.

Alana understands that children are our future and has earned the endorsement of multiple organizations advocating for our public schools. She supports the adequate and equitable funding of our public schools, opposes tax dollars to private schools, and will protect the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) including a cost of living adjustment.

Invest in Rural America, send Alana Cloutier to Topeka as our District 9 Representative!

Mike Bruner,

Humboldt, Kan.

June 18, 2021
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