Letter to the editor – November 1, 2022

Dear editor,

Gov. Laura Kelly and Lt. Gov. David Toland are economic and community development super heroes. Their campaign slogan should be “Jobs for Kansas workers and customers for Kansas businesses.”

The $14 billion in new business investment they have recruited to Kansas will benefit generations of Kansans.

Four years ago the state pension fund was underfunded and the highway fund had been robbed to pay for the previous administration’s tax cuts favoring the wealthy. Schools were underfunded and the state was in debt.

The Kelly administration has balanced the budget, paid back the pension fund, fully funded schools for four years, and established a well-funded rainy day fund.

If a private sector CEO experienced this level of success they would be sought after by every major corporation. We need to re-elect the Kelly/Toland team Nov. 8.

Mike Bruner,

Humboldt, Kan.

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