Dear editor,
The Allen County Recycling program as it stands today cannot sustain itself for much longer.
Without the support of the city or the county we are only able to run it with individuals’ contributions, grants, and most importantly, the volunteers who selflessly donate their time and energy toward the operations of the program.
In the past we have had a steady flow of volunteers but as of late we have seen those numbers dwindle dramatically to the point we can no longer operate at a sustainable pace.
Material is constantly gathered at the recycling plant but it also must be sorted, baled and transported to the final destination. Right now, we have several totes full of material that need to be baled. Balers are needed.
Also, cardboard needs to be picked up from business locations. We need volunteers who own a truck and a trailer and who can donate their time to make the once-a-week rounds.
We are making an urgent call to all members of the community who value this program and are able to step up and pledge to volunteer as much as you can. This is a community effort and cannot exist without its support.
If you value recycling and care about this recycling program, please make sure to volunteer a few hours a week toward this effort. The absence of volunteer help will only cause the program to stop indefinitely.
For more information, contact Marcia Davis at 620-365-8128 or email her at [email protected].
The Allen County Recycling Board