Letter to the editor – June 4, 2021

Dear editor,

May 31 was Memorial day respecting our service men and women. Yet the City of Iola could not put the American flag around the square.

It is shameful that small towns outdid Iola, including LaHarpe, Yates Center and even Piqua. 

This was a time to remember our men and women who served, came home and to those that sacrifice all for our freedom.

Iola has always respected our service members with remembrances at Highland Cemetery, yet forgot the Old Cemetery. Thanks so much for the VFW Auxiliary Post 6324 and the Boy Scouts for putting flowers and flags at both.

I hope Iola remembers to put out the flags on July 4 and Veterans Day.

Terese Yetzbacher,

Korea and Vietnam Vet,

Daughter of a Purple Heart WWII veteran,

Iola, Kan.
