Letter to the editor – June 3, 2021

Dear editor,

This will be my tenth year conducting the Iola Municipal Band, and I couldn’t be more proud to be a part of such a wonderful organization. But, more importantly, this will be the band’s 150th consecutive season of providing music for the community. 

It was born from the love of making music brought home with soldiers returning from the Civil War. It weathered a Great Depression, and survived through two World Wars. Most recently, it managed to share music through a pandemic, while many other community and professional bands were forced to stop, either temporarily or for good. Our members have a deep passion for sharing their love of music with our audience, and if you’ve ever attended one of our concerts, I hope it shows. 

Iola Municipal Band

But there is no way we could have survived this long with passion alone. I firmly believe that our band’s greatest asset is the community of Iola and its citizens. On behalf of the band, its musicians, and its board of directors, I would like to thank the City of Iola, and every member of the community who has supported us. We look forward to sharing the joy of music with you for another 150 years.

Join us tonight at 8 o’clock on the Iola square for our first performance of the season!


Jake Ard,

Gas, Kan.

Editor’s note: See below for a video of the Iola Municipal Band’s June 3rd concert, the first of their 150th season. The video is courtesy of Big Square Media.
