Letter to the editor – July 5, 2022

Dear editor,

The reason we had the Roe v. Wade court case in 1973 was because the law determined a woman was not the owner of her body, the man she married was. 

She sued for the right to have an abortion after having three children and her doctor would not give her an abortion. She won. 

I am deeply disappointed in the fact that Roe vs. Wade was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. 

What message was the Supreme Court sending to women? Did they make exceptions in the case of rape or incest? No.

I fear for the women who will be forced to use a back door abortionist and yes, it will happen. 

But this is what I do not understand — why is the man not held equally accountable for the pregnant woman’s plight? If a man wants to ensure a woman does not get pregnant he can use a condom or have a vasectomy and presto, no babies. In many cases, this procedure can be reversed.

What rights for women will be trampled upon next? Education, driving, how we dress?

— Alzina Kress,

Iola, Kan.
