Letter to the editor – July 27, 2022

I have read articles concerning abortion rights and I am still on the fence about allowing women in Kansas to continue to get abortions. 

Would I abort a child of mine, no. However, I can agree with both sides. 

In the instance of one woman, I learned  that she had a closed adoption after being  raped. The child found her and repeatedly asked to meet with her, dredging up memories of her rape in which her current family did not know about. She was traumatized to a certain extent. 

I’ve also read about a woman who had 15 abortions in 16 years. 

From 2000 to 2020, the number of abortions have dropped. The crux of the question is if this right is taken away from American women, what other rights would follow? 

I hope that everyone knows there is no going back to where the husband has all the say and certainly it should not be the government who decides. 

And if abortion was not allowed what would happen if no one wanted to adopt? There are fewer wanting to adopt these days. The number of children age 0 to 2 years waiting to be adopted is 62%. What kind of life do they have if they have to live with the stigma of being unwanted?

Of the more than 400,000 children in foster care in the U.S., 114,556 cannot be returned to their families. 

Why are we only so focused on controlling women’s bodies? Why isn’t there legislation requiring men to get vasectomies? 

Alzina Kress,

Iola, Kan.
