Letter to the editor — July 11, 2022

Dear editor,

As we approach the August 2 primary election, I want to thank our county election officials and poll workers who work tirelessly to ensure the security and integrity of our elections.

Second, I want to remind voters they have multiple options for how to cast their ballot, including in-person on Election Day, advance in-person voting, and advance by mail ballot.

Please remember that state law requires voter identification in every election and when voting in person or by mail. A list of acceptable forms of ID can be found on the Secretary of State’s website.

All registered voters are eligible to participate in the primary election. Libertarian and unaffiliated voters will receive a ballot with the non-partisan races in their county, if applicable, and the constitutional amendment. Voters can preview their ballot and verify their polling location on VoterView.

Please note the 2022 election dates and deadlines:

• July 12: Last day to register to vote for the primary election

• July 13: Advance voting in person and by mail may begin

• August 2: Primary Election

• August 5: Last day for advance by mail ballots to be received (must be postmarked by August 2)

I encourage all registered voters to participate in the August 2 election and exercise their constitutional right to vote.


Scott Schwab

Kansas Secretary of State
