Letter to the editor – July 1, 2024

Dear editor,

Senator Caryn Tyson did  fine with her response regarding Iola having the highest commercial property taxes in the nation considering the company that she was in.

Senator Tyson knew when she was invited to the meeting that she was going to get, “beat up.” She didn’t have to come at all. She came because she wanted Iola to be aware that there was a report out there being cited in Topeka and across the country stating Iola’s taxes. 

Senator Tyson didn’t write the report and didn’t claim the reports findings were true. She simply repeated them. 

Unfortunately, instead of the Iola Council thanking her for bringing this to their attention (and possibly finding out where the author came up with the figures themselves) the council proceeded to “kill the messenger.”

Senator Tyson’s point was to bring awareness that commercial property taxes in Iola (and across the state) are too high.

According to the report in question, if there is a commercial property in Iola assessed at $1,000,000 the tax would be $62,000 per year. 

The councilman, Jon Wells, argued that this figure was wrong and supplied another number he felt was correct. Senator Tyson noted that even using his numbers, the tax on $1,000,000 property was still $51,000 per year. She pointed out that every 20 years you are paying for your property again in taxes. 

Senator Tyson also stated that property taxes have increased over 300% since 1997 while inflation has increased 80% during that same time frame. Of course, none of this was reported in the original article nor in any opinion/editorial.

Senator Tyson knows property taxes are too high. Everyone who owns property knows taxes are too high. It would appear that she is at least trying to do something about it. I will be voting for Senator Tyson.

Ray Maloney, 

ACCC Assoc. Degree,

LaHarpe, Kan.

October 27, 2016
October 21, 2016
August 1, 2012
June 11, 2012