Letter to the editor – January 17, 2023

Dear editor:

I started working when I was 14-15 years old. 

I did it because my mom was the bread winner of the family with my father was often absent for whatever reason. 

I have worked all that time and in-between, I graduated high school. I got married to a man that I loved, had four children and graduated from nursing school. But, I always had a job and so did my husband. 

We both worked hard and made our dreams come true, not without some hiccups, but we made our dreams a reality. We paid our taxes every year just like clockwork. 

In my opinion, young couples are struggling more today than my husband and I did in the 80’s, twice as much. And in my opinion it largely is the fault of the excess of congressional wheeling and dealing. 

The excesses that has led us to the debt ceiling ready to collapse upon our nation. And the vultures of our enemies await. 

Sure, we could print more money, but at this point, it wouldn’t help. Several generations would still be paying off our current debt. 

Better put, just go look at the U.S National debt clock. IT’S WAY WORSE OF A HORROR STORY THAN ANY MOVIE YOU HAVE EVER SEEN.

Alzina Kress, Iola, Kan.
