Letter to the editor – Jan. 28, 2022

Dear editor,

Iola has an affordable housing problem. 

In my opinion, it’s time for city leaders to approve making the old nursing home on North Walnut Street into affordable apartments, as recently proposed. 

Many years ago I worked at Arkhaven and I loved my job there. It was no secret, however, that the neighbors did not want the home there, even though many built their homes after the nursing home was already there.

It’s time to make the structure livable again. If it were me, I would update the kitchen and the dining room so that it could be used for family functions. 

And I’m glad to see that the owner has said a property manager will be on site at all times should a maintenance issue arise.

There should also be enough room for a playground for children and it should be painted a different color. 

It’s sad that some don’t welcome it or change.

So again, the powers that be need to allow a remodel of the home into apartments and if they are worried about the person who owns it doing some shady things, make him hire it out to another construction company.

Alzina Kress,

Iola, Kan.

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