Letter to the Editor – January 29, 2020

“Equal rights. All men are possessed of equal and inalienable natural rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” reads the first right in our Kansas Constitution.

It is no coincidence that our founding fathers identified the first right as “life.” They recognized life as a sacred gift. Without life, there is no liberty. No pursuit of happiness. One’s liberty or pursuit of happiness should not infringe on another’s life.

But now life means death – at least for the unborn. Two late-term abortionists, Herbert Hodes and his daughter Traci Nauser challenged Kansas’s ban on dismemberment abortions which kills an unborn baby by ripping its limbs and body apart while the baby is alive. This is especially disconcerting as research by pro-abortionist scientists that discovered that unborn babies feel pain as early as 13 weeks was just published last week.

In April the Kansas Supreme Court not only ruled in their favor, but ironically declared that our Constitution guarantees the right to kill the unborn. Six unelected judges single-handedly changed the constitution and usurped the voice of Kansas citizens and the authority of the legislative branch to enact laws consistent with our values.

According to Brittany Jones of Family Policy Alliance of Kansas, “The recent ruling removed the legal underpinning for laws that permit regulating abortion and made Kansas the Wild West for abortion.” This new ruling severely limits any possible restrictions on the abortion industry, opening the door wide to not only live dismemberment abortion (now actively in progress), but abortions up to birth, abolishment of parental consent requirements or parental notice, health and sanitation regulations, and far more.

Tuesday I had an opportunity to sit in on the hearing of an amendment that will restore the Kansas Constitution and preserve Kansas’ existing laws.

The old Capitol courtroom was packed and overflowing. Squeezed between me was a lady who was severely impacted by abortion in her early 20’s, the grief led her to decades of depression and attempted suicides, and an African-American gentleman who came perilously close to being aborted and was advocating for black lives.

In opposition to the amendment, packs of Planned Parenthood employees, driven in from the surrounding states and undoubtfully compensated for their turn-out, dawned pink t-shirts moments before the proceedings.

The first testimonies centered on articulating and clarifying the scope of the amendment. The amendment is simply to return the Kansas Constitution back to its pre-Hodes vs. Schmidt status, and provides no laws or regulations in regard to abortion. Riveting and compelling testimony followed by professionals of various sectors including a gynecologist who treats both patients, the mother and her unborn child; an anesthesiologist who routinely provides anesthesia to fetuses before a fetal operation to avoid pain; a psychologist who described the agony suffered by both girls and their families from abortions; an outreach organization that facilitates post-abortion healing to both women and men; a lady who described her abortion ordeal following decades of emotional, psychological and physical scars.

As of Wednesday, the bill is now active but has a long journey ahead this year. It is time for Kansans to take action and restore our Constitution and Kansas values.

-Deanne Howell, Emporia

October 21, 2020
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February 12, 2015