Letter to the editor – August 23, 2024

To the editor,

What a great opportunity with the inaugural offering of the Register’s new comment platform. 

In reading today’s (Thursday, Aug. 22) paper the headline caught my immediate attention about the City of Iola Lagoon Project and the early mention of $11.2 million. 

The photo at the first of the article was of the city water treatment plant. 

My first thought, oh my gosh we just spent $10 million or more building that plant not too long ago. 

Reading further, I became quite humored to see the article was about our waste water sewage treatment issues. 

Iola’s lagoons south of town.

The photographer should not have taken a picture on West Highway 54, but rather taken Nebraska Road south of town, west to the Sutherland farm property, walking up the levy, holding nose, taking a quick photo, and returning to an air-conditioned car. 

I hope the Register makes some type of comment or correction. 

After the previous issues with costs and funding for the freshwater treatment plant I would think readers will appreciate the clarification. 

 Jay Kretzmeier,

Iola, Kan.

January 6, 2020
June 13, 2018
December 7, 2011
May 24, 2011