Letter to the editor — February 26, 2016

Dear editor,

This is an exciting era in which we live, yet can also be a terrifying time to be alive. I heard an interesting poll recently saying that 75-85 percent of the population of the United States are professing Christians. Christians, are you reading your Bible? When you buy a new car or an appliance, do you read your manual? If you have a problem with that purchase, you certainly read it then, or go to the maker or source for help. Of course, you see where I am going with this.

Do we have problems today?! As Christians we believe that God is the maker of all things, and that Jesus Christ is the way of salvation; also that the Bible is our manual for life, from God. The answers, the fixes, the instructions for right living are all in His letter to us.

Christians, today is an excellent time to avail ourselves of the opportunity to pick up our Bibles and explore the gems, treasures and blessings therein. In so doing, discover that delving into the word daily is not just a duty, but a delight!

If we Christians of Iola would take seriously the reading of the Bible daily, who knows what blessings would be ours. I love Iola! It just takes a spark to get a fire going. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful wildfire! It seems to me this is America’s only answer!

It has been such a privilege to raise our three children in Iola, having moved here in 1955. The Lord has allowed me almost 20 years beyond the allotted time given, so I am living on borrowed time; and I thank Him. I have often remarked that I could write a book but have opted rather on a letter to the wonderful people of Iola.

Have you read your Bible today?

Isaiah 26:3a “Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.”

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lea Wright,


Iola, Kan.

May 2, 2019
April 25, 2019
March 24, 2014
March 14, 2014