Letter to the editor — July 20, 2016

Dear editor,

I am writing you this letter in regards to my situation. 

Not only is it my situation, but it is one that many Kansans have as well. 

I am a convicted felon trying to get a job. The job market isn’t that great in smaller communities like Iola, but there are enough businesses locally that one would think a job wouldn’t be hard to come by.

I knew my past was going to play a factor in my finding employment. I am not being picky about where I turn in applications. I have over 10 applications turned in at this time.

One of the applications was through Manpower. They didn’t care about me being a felon. They contacted me within 15 minutes of completing my application. Manpower then contacted a local business but due to me being a felon they wanted nothing to do with me. 

I am not sure if the local businesses in the area are aware of the tax write-off they can receive for hiring a convicted felon. But it is available. 

I am not going to give up in my pursuit of gaining employment. My second chance is coming. I believe God doesn’t put us in situations we can’t handle. 

I am going to continue pushing forward.

As long as I continue to put forth the effort a job will present itself.

I hope all convicted felons will be given a chance. We could be the greatest employee a business ever has, but they won’t know unless we are given a chance.


Jeremy Smith


Iola, Kan.
