Dear editor,
There are over 30,000 people killed a year with guns in the U.S. Half of those deaths are white suicides, approximately 8,000 drug-related. There have been three incidents where someone drove into a crowd killing people last year. Just think if only 15,000 of those 30,000 suicides would have gotten into a car slamming into innocent victims before taking their own lives.
We now have drones that high schools students can program to shoot shells while flying overhead. These same students can go to the Internet and learn how to make a bomb device and have it delivered by the same flying drone. We will see more people killed in the U.S. by bombs due to the ease of finding instructions and ingredients online.
It is sad that you, Susan, think that the NRA is responsible for being an accomplice in the San Bernadino shooting. By your thinking, everyone that is pro-abortion is guilty of being an accomplice of murder.
Television is a culprit. Let your children watch all the killing, bloodshed, and sex, then wonder why our children are desensitized to it. At the same time we have taken prayer and all religion out of the schools. We should be teaching compassion, and love to our children.
Due to wrongful procedures and medication errors, doctors are the number one killer of innocent people, according to the Internet. High on the list of death-related incidents is bathtub falls and drowning. Over 200 people are killed every year due to deer-related car accidents. While it is still murder when a police officer shoots a man in the back for shoplifting. There is only a .00000025 percent chance of being killed by a police officer. We do not outlaw doctors from practicing, eliminate police from protecting us, eradicate all deer, or even outlaw bathing in tubs.
It is a heart-wrenching to think that a lone gunman can walk into a classroom or a building and shoot a roomful of innocent children or people. The thing to remember is that these incidents, as terrible as they are, were the decision of one or a few angry or mentally charged people. The guns are only one device that people can or have chosen to use to cause destruction. Removing guns from the hands of every U.S. citizen will not prevent one or a few people from causing destruction when they are determined to do so.
Raymond Cooper,
Iola, Kan.