Letter to the editor — August 23, 2019

Dear editor,

For SO MANY reasons an aquatic center would be a tremendous asset to our community.

Many will balk at the expense but the potential revenue (if we utilize it as we should) will far surpass the initial expense.

I’ve said it a 100 times before: If we had an indoor pool I’d work out a LOT more. Water is my medium and swimming hurts my body much less than the other forms of exercise available. 

Imagine an added competitive sport  — and the revenues it would bring — as well as offering our kids a means to expand their horizons so much more.

I loved the Topeka High pool in our basement. It was a big deal in a big city (big to this farm girl anyway). 

Imagine the potential therapy options for our elderly, and injured. 

Build it and they will come. 

Progress takes time, but I’m hopeful we can at the very least plant a seed.


Wendy K. Froggatte, RN,

Iola, Kan.

