Letter to the editor — July 30, 2019

Dear editor,

I ask what is the general purpose of the 17 prophets, in the Old Testament, Isaiah to Malachi?

And I answer myself — integrity, truthfullness and faithfulness. And they challenged the people of that time with conduct unethical, unprincipled, unreliable and disloyal.

And I ask readers of the Iola Register how do you read the general purpose of the Old Testament prophets?

For me they are vital for our time and I am challenged for my own living and where I come short and where we as a society come up short.

It has been some weeks now since The Mueller Report has been available to the public and last week Mr. Mueller was interviewed by the two House Committees — the Judiciary and the Intelligence.

This report is vital for our country! Vital for our country! I urge my fellow Americans, citizens thoughtful and caring, that they give a faithful reading.

Respectfully submitted,

John Wesley Skillings,

Iola, Kan.

P.S. The Mueller Report is  available at The Iola Public Library or can be purchased for as little as $10 on Amazon.com.
