Dear editor,
I get so tired of seeing nothing but mobs and hate and violence on TV and in the newspapers. For a change I would like to see big signs with things like “Treat others like you would like others to treat you,” and “United we stand, divided we fall.”
It would also help if our president didn’t always look like he had just bit into a green persimmon. This is a terrible thing to constantly feed our young people.
All the politicians are so worried about getting the big bucks for the next election they don’t bother to try to do anything for our state or nation.
If you think this sounds like a cranky old lady that’s fed up with politicians, you’re right. If you think I won’t vote anymore, you’re wrong.
I never vote a straight ticket. I vote for the person that throws the least amount of mud and talks about what they would try to do to get things back on track again.
Maude Burns,
Iola, Kan.