Letter to the editor — August 11, 2012

Dear editor,

I just returned from voting. 

I did not like it much. 

It reminded me of going to visit my Aunt Maggie when I was a young boy in the ’50s. 

Aunt Maggie was a single lady, an older maid, a good Republican, a great Christian and a hard-working woman who was most certainly very, very, very well educated in every rule of grammar and etiquette that no boy in his right mind could imagine.

When you walked through her door you were scrutinized beyond imagination with every tool with which she had to test you to make sure that you “deserved” to have one of “her sugar cookies.”

I passed the test and got the cookie. 

However, there were many deserving boys and girls who would have liked a cookie, too. They would have passed her tests well enough, but would be made to feel so uncomfortable “proving up” that they would not go to Aunt Maggie’s to get one. 

She made it that way to keep away the kids she didn’t want tracking up her house! 

Aunt Maggie is back. She is in charge of our voting process. 

Shame on Aunt Maggie! I never liked her! 

Uncle Sam needs to dump the grinch!

Steve Orcutt,

Iola, Kan.

June 4, 2021
February 24, 2017
January 30, 2012
April 7, 2010