Letter to the editor — July 24, 2019

Dear editor,

Earlier this summer, Allen Community College offered its sixth year of a science-themed summer camp for children ranging from kindergarten through seventh grade, hosting over 65 children throughout the week exploring the environmental science.

This year’s camp was highlighted with daily field trips and included several individuals and businesses taking time to share their expertise with the campers.We would especially like to thank the following:

• Mitch Garner, director of public works for Allen County, for allowing the groups to visit the county landfill.

• Commissioner Bill King and landfill foreman Jeremy Hopkins for the tour of the county landfill.

• Stan and Patrick Schultz with Veterans Worldwide for Sales and Services LLC for walking us through the soil remediation efforts currently happening around Iola.

• Terry Powelson for the use of the farm ponds for a comparison of the prairie riparian ecosystems with creeks and ponds in our county.

• And, the many volunteers and community efforts for the LeHigh Trails!

We spent two days exploring various parts of the trail building a better understanding of our local ecosystems including karst (desert), deciduous forest, arid, and riparian. These trails and surrounding area are a natural theme park with diverse and rich educational opportunities for all ages!

The campers not only had great fun, but all have a deeper appreciation for and understanding of the interdependency in Allen County’s ecosystems as well as the impact our daily lives have on our surroundings.

On behalf of the college and campers, thank you.

Beth Toland,

Early Childhood Education Specialist,

Allen Community College,

Iola, Kan.



December 23, 2021
June 14, 2019
June 14, 2019
November 3, 2010