We attended the City of Iola meeting Monday evening.
David Toland talked about Iola’s need for expansion.
We were attending in opposition of the rezoning on North Kentucky from single family dwellings to multiple family dwellings. The neighborhood with 20-plus in attendance presented to the city council a petition with 70-plus signatures opposing the rezoning.
The neighborhood was once considered very desirable with green spaces, large yards with much desired space between homes. The neighborhood was known as the Sterling Heights Addition. It is remembered by some when cattle, horses and chickens were in the green spaces.
It was stated that the population in Iola continues to decrease. Face the fact that Iola has a good number of retirees. This does not mean we need another assisted living facility. Iola has three — Tara Gardens, Guest Home Estates and Fountain Villa.
However, it does encourage a retirement on fixed incomes with very little if any extra spending money for the economy.
Once again, the majority of the city council elected by the people disregarded the request of the neighborhood affected by the rezoning in favor of a firm from out of town to go forward at the expense of Iola citizens. Check out the umbrellas this firm is under and where the private investments originate.
It saddens the citizens of the neighborhood, city, state and country that government officials at all levels elected by the people repeatedly go against the people’s decisions.
Remember, they are elected to represent the people not to alienate. Wake up all people everywhere — it is time to take back our neighborhood, cities, states and country. Do not let a few make the decision for many.
John and Judy Snavely
and neighbors,
Iola, Kan.