Letter to the editor — July 19, 2012

Dear editor,

I would like to take this opportunity to support Ed Bideau’s election to the Kansas House of Representatives. Ed and I go back to our friendship days and time spent at NCCC. Simply put, we could not ask for a more objective and passionate person to serve us in Topeka. 

Ed Bideau “gets it” when it comes to economic development. You grow and support existing businesses and manufacturers as they are already vested in our community and offer the greatest potential for success. We share a common goal of creating opportunities for our youth to return “home.”

Ed understands the importance of fiscal responsibility as it relates to taxes and tax dollar management. No doubt, Ed is an advocate for the rights of the individual and makes sure they are heard! He is not intimidated from taking a position that may not be popular but doing what is right. 

Ed and I have discussed issues in the past and without exception, agree or disagree, our conversations were civil and focused on what is best for our community. My friend is worthy of your support and he will provide a strong voice for all constituents. 

Ed Cox,

Chanute, Kan.

Dear editor,

It seems we need to do some very serious thinking. What is going on as we travel around our wonderful town? Even as we go each direction out of the city we see the same thing. These great big RED SIGNS are everywhere, even the small ones. These cost money and someone has to pay the bills.

It is rather obvious that some people want to benefit by putting a puppet in Topeka! If we had a major problem in Iola, of course, I’m certain someone would be in court by now or in jail.

In closing, think!

John D. Rockefeller, in one of his last interviews, was asked how much is enough? He said, “Just a little more.” He died one month later. Some have done very well in Iola and they still want more.

In my life, I like to live in gratitude with all. Even our schools and taxes will be affected by the decisions to be made soon.

Respectively submitted,

Don Hillbrant,
