Letter to the editor — July 14, 2012

Dear editor:

I am a Republican, but I am not about to support any Republican who is supporting or is a Tea Party Terrorist Republican!

These people will cut and destroy welfare for the poor, benefits to veterans and destroy Social Security, which is my mother’s bread and butter, and her living. She is 80 years old, and Social Security is what she lives on. If she doesn’t have it, she is homeless and out on the street and into the gutter.

My family may vote Democrat for the simple reason, any letter I write to any of my congressmen, whether he’s a senator, like Pat Roberts, I do not get any reply, which makes me wonder: has he joined the Tea Party Terrorists in destroying Social Scurity and putting poor people in the gutter.

I do know that Rep. Lynn Jenkins is a member of the Tea Party and is bought and paid for by the Koch brothers from Wichita, and she is proud of it.

She is proud to vote for Ron Paul’s bill that would cut and destroy Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and vote against all programs that will aid the elderly, the poor and the sick.

Just ask her. I have written to her and gotten letters from her.

She is also against Obamacare. Imperfect that law is, it is the first law that may indeed help the poor, especially the uninsured.

Many of the Republicans in Kansas, especially these Tea Party members, are not true Republicans, as far as I am concerned. They are terrorists and your paper would do a great service if you expose the voting records of Pat Roberts, Lynn Jenkins and Jerry Moran, as well as any representative or senator from Kansas. We must know what is going on in Washington, and if necessary, replace Tea Party with Democrats or moderate Republicans.

So far, you have covered those like Caryn Tyson, also a Tea Partier. If Gov. Brownback and ultra-conservatives were better exposed two years ago, they might not have been elected. 

In this election year, it is very important that the dirty tricks and dirty laundry be exposed. Kansas needs to get rid of the Tea Party and more exposure of the candidates.

Beverly Curry

Kincaid, Kan.

P.S. I know that you have covered Washington, D.C., and the Supreme Court, but we need to know what our senators and representatives are doing, not what they tell us.

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