Letter to the editor — July 12, 2012

To the editor:

I don’t know about anyone else in Iola, but I am tired of (Ken) Rowe and (Kendall) Callahan trying to send my tax dollars or other monies I pay into the city out of the county just to save a few bucks.

I wouldn’t care if SE-Kan and Iola Office Supply charged 50 percent more than anyone else, at least the money would stay in Allen County.

Maybe the people who buy insurance from Rowe should start buying their insurance in Chanute.

I think the purchase policy should be thrown out. If the council wants to save Iola money, they should give up their salaries they earn as councilmen. A few of them don’t earn it, anyway.

I was born in Iola and in all my years here, I can’t remember any council causing the same amount of problems this one has.

Jim Smith,

Iola, Kan

(Editor’s note: Neither Council members nor mayor are compensated for their service to the city, nor will they be if recently adopted charter ordinances become law.)
