Letter to the editor — March 28, 2019

Dear editor,

This Trump-voter supports David Toland for Secretary of Commerce. 

Friends, please email Kansas senators — www.kslegislature.org — and ask them to support his confirmation. 

David and Beth Toland are true public servants. It’s easy to smear someone’s name, harder to admit that yep, Democrats won the governorship. But I still want to spend the next four years taking positive steps instead of tearing Kansas down. 

We all chose to live in this state, we all want our kids to live and thrive here, and regardless of the fact that I am a Conservative Republican, I believe that many Democrats, probably most, have a similar love and passion for doing what’s right for our state. 

Let’s put partisanship aside and select our best and brightest for cabinet positions. Give David a chance to put his enthusiasm, energy, and experience to work to help Kansas work. 

Just because I didn’t support a Democrat for governor doesn’t mean I throw a fit. It means I celebrate our representative democracy and look for a candidate in four years who can win the state for my Republicans. And, in the meantime, I keep cheering for Team Kansas and encouraging you to let Gov. Laura Kelly draft the best, winning team!


Lisa Wicoff,

Iola, Kan.
