Letter to the editor — March 28, 2019

Dear editor,

I vote yes!

As a participant in the group that evaluated our existing schools and made recommendations, I had the opportunity to see the conditions as they exist today in our schools. 

I am impressed that our teachers have been able to teach in such facilities.

But more to the point, I have a 2-year-old grandson who moved to Iola last summer and I want him to have an educational experience that will prepare him for a future of learning.

I want him to have a chemistry lab that looks like a chemistry lab and that might spark his interest in the sciences or an elementary art room that allows him to be creative or a middle school writing lab so that he can write like his grandmother Susan or great-grandfather Emerson.

We need schools that allow teachers to teach at the highest level, students to learn in the most effective manner, and a community that can with pride point to their commitment to the future.

Others have done this in the past, it’s our turn now. Please join me and vote yes for new elementary schools, science and tech building and efficient middle school upgrades.

Brian Wolfe,

Iola, Kan.
