Letter to the editor — March 26, 2019

Dear editor,

I am writing this letter to encourage you to vote yes on the school bond on April 2. 

I graduated from Iola High School in 2017. I now attend the University of Kansas and was just recently accepted into the University of Kansas’ Pharmacy School. 

Once I am done with school I am very interested in returning to Iola. One of the biggest factors in determining if I do move back is if the school bond passes. 

When I have kids, I want them to have access to a good education. Having been through elementary, middle, and high school in Iola, I know first-hand the inadequacies of each. 

The bond choice I want to focus on primarily is the high school science building. Science classes for me were very important because I needed a good base of knowledge in order to move on to KU. This was hard to get with the current science labs. The current labs are not equipped to do more extensive techniques essential to having a strong knowledge in different sciences. 

Gaining a new science building at Iola High School would improve the overall education. We should all want to improve our community, and upgrading our schools is a much-needed improvement.  

Please Vote…Yes!  Yes!  Yes! on all the proposed initiatives.


Ben Cooper,

Lawrence, Kan.


