Letter to the editor — June 4, 2013

Dear editor,
Local control that doesn’t trust the rights of the law abiding is nothing more than grass roots tyranny spawned by unfounded hysteria. This is one area that the Kansas Legislature is spot on with the constitutional rights of the individual. It is quite sad when it has to be said so many times in so many ways BUT the real danger in concealed carry is the criminal who respects neither the law, local control, or the rights and personal safety of any citizen or domain. Allowing law abiding citizens to concealed carry is quite simply appropriately respecting the right of the individual “to bear” that which the U.S. constitution unequivocally says “shall not be infringed.”
If the potential for danger were really a problem the use of cars (as just one example of many) would also be banned. More people, children and adults, have died in Allen County since 2000 by auto accidents than have been killed by law abiding citizens exercising their right to bear arms in public or private. Alaska has constitutional carry which allows the citizen to bear arms in public or private, concealed or in the open without any kind of training. You don’t even have to be a citizen. How many mass atrocities have we heard of from Alaska?
If convicted murderers, terrorists (non-citizens), rapists, child molesters, funeral protesters, etc. are entitled to legions of godless and frivolous rights should not the law abiding be entitled to the rights that the Constitution clearly says are theirs to enjoy and exercise for the well being of a free and safer society? Society is safer because responsible citizens are enabled to exercise their rights which clearly includes the Second Amendment. Only unfounded hysteria and tyranny fears the law abiding freely and legally exercising their rights. Local control really is meaningless if the law abiding lose control of their rights.   

Most sincerely,
Bill LaPorte
Moran, Kan.
