Letter to the editor — March 22, 2019

Dear editor,

I am appalled to read that the Senate panel recommended against the nomination of David Toland. 

As a former resident of Iola, I have been very much impressed with the work he has done with Thrive Allen County. I’m wondering if the few letters opposing his nomination came from people who are jealous of his and his family’s success. Please remember that the governor’s office received more than 40 letters of support for Mr. Toland, praising his experience and skills.  

He could easily have stayed in Washington, D.C. but, because of his love of Kansas and his hometown, he came back to give us  his talents. If we want our young people to come back to Kansas, we can’t treat them the way the Senate is treating David Toland. 

Our state and especially its hospitals desperately need Medicaid expansion. To argue that the federal government might stop supporting it is lame.  The legislation can easily be worded to guard against that eventuality. 

I am afraid that the Republican Party is quickly getting the reputation as a perpetual wet blanket — functioning only to thwart the opposite party, benefit the ultra wealthy, and with absolutely no concern for most of the citizens. If you haven’t already noticed, check out the Democratic trend in the last election.

Catherine Bowser,

Overland Park, Kan.
